Terms And Condition

Welcome to https://mitautoreporthub.com, which Mit Auto Report Hub (“we,” “us,” “our”) owns. To remain on this site and access its features, we ask that you agree to comply with our Terms of Service. Along with the NMVTIS Disclaimer and Privacy Policy , our Terms of Service define your interactions with this website.


This document is a legal agreement between you and Mit Auto Report Hub that outlines the rules dictating how you may use our products and services, (“Services,”) which are made available through our Website, https://mitautoreporthub.com. Any use of the Website, products, or services constitutes an acceptance by you to be bound by these Terms.

We may update these Terms at our discretion and from time to time, which may include future terms, licenses, and other policies or procedures. In such an event we will notify you through email and by prominently posting a notice to the Website. Do not use our Services if you do not agree to such changes. If you continue to use https://mitautoreporthub.com after any posted changes your use will indicate your agreement to the modified Terms.

We reserve the right to refuse access to any Service for any reason or no reason, including non-compliance with these Terms.


We provide critical, real-time data through Vehicle History Reports and Auto Auction Records Reports to automotive dealers and consumers who are interested in purchasing used vehicles. Additionally, we offer Vehicle Inspection Reports and complementary services that include a VIN Decoder and Vehicle Recalls Check. Our Vehicle History Reports contain data that the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) provides and both lien and theft information that NMVTIS does not provide. Our Vehicle History Reports may contain information from the auto auction database if the vehicle has ever been sold via auction. This includes photos and details that the public has access to on the auto auction website when the vehicle was available for sale. We also offer this information in Mit Auto Report Hub Auto Auction Records Reports. Mit Auto Report Hub Vehicle Inspection Reports are made up of data from our representatives that perform the vehicle inspections

We do not warrant that the information we provide in these reports is always accurate, timely, or complete. It is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as the sole source of information when purchasing a used vehicle. Any reliance is at the users own risk. We cannot be held liable for any purchases you make in reliance on our reports.


Mit Auto Report Hub's services are accessible to those who are age 13 and older, but those who are under the age of 18 must obtain and hereby warrant that they so they have obtained parental or guardian consent where the parent or guardian agrees to be also bound by these same Terms.


To use Mit Auto Report Hub's services, you do need Internet access and certain software that you may be responsible to pay for. Additionally, upgrades and updates are likely to be needed occasionally. We recommend high speed Internet to access our site because performance may be hindered otherwise. We do not warrant that your computer or device will be compatible with the Services. We shall not be responsible for your failure to access the site or our Services, and no refunds shall be granted in such an event.


6. WHAT Mit Auto Report Hub EXPECTS FROM YOU

You are required to have an Mit Auto Report Hub account to use our Services. We generally limit registrations to unique individuals, and account transfers are typically not granted.



U.S. and international intellectual property laws protect Mit Auto Report Hub Rights, made up of the Services that we offer and own all right, title, and interest to. As a user of our Services, you agree not to copy, modify, or create derivative works based off of our offerings. Additionally, you will not use any automated or manual process to copy or monitor our content.

You are not allowed to use our Service marks, logos, trademarks, trade names, or any other brand features without written permission from us. Third-party content that appears in our Services is not included in Mit Auto Report Hub Rights. Conversely, we are not responsible for any content that you post to our website directly or via a third party. As such, you are responsible for protecting your intellectual property. Your posting of content on our Services constitutes your intent to allow Mit Auto Report Hub a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use such content as we deem appropriate. Content posted via our Services remains posted at our discretion.

Information that you self-report, personal or otherwise, is authorized for us to use as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We may also share this information with third parties and call centers for their use. Additionally, your submission of this information authorizes us, third parties, and call centers to use your phone number to contact you. Do not submit your information if you do not wish to be contacted via telephone.


Mit Auto Report Hub operates its services from offices located in the United States. Your use of our Services affirms that you comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations.


We may use any means we feel necessary to enact all terms of service in this agreement. This includes Mit Auto Report Hub's need to comply with all related legal processes. Your use of Mit Auto Report Hub's services means you submit to us the right to disclose any volunteered information to law enforcement authorities, municipal entities, or others reasonably necessary for compliance purposes without liability to you.


Third-party content that appears on https://mitautoreporthub.com and third-party websites that we link to are not the responsibility of Mit Auto Report Hub. We do not make any representations regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any report. Additionally, we will not have any liability or responsibility for third-party collected data or the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any report. This includes information that is related to the condition, safety, marketability, merchantability, quality, ownership history, and accident history of any passenger motor vehicle or data contained in or omitted from a passenger motor vehicle ownership or registration document that any state in the United States issues, including the District of Columbia, or any Canadian province. We are in no way responsible for your use of any third-party materials or any purchase decision you make in reliance on the same.



Your use of our Services is affirmation that you will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Mit Auto Report Hub and its affiliates harmless with respect to any claim that may arise out of or relate to your breach of this agreement, how you use our Services and any report, or any action that Mit Auto Report Hub may take due to investigations of potential or actual agreement violations.

Mit Auto Report Hub vehicle inspection services terms and conditions


We may revise our Terms of Service or services at any time. Such changes are effective immediately, and you show you accept these changes with your continued use of our Services.


Notices regarding our Services are effective immediately and may be sent to you via the email address you have entered in your account contact information. Alternatively, we may send you a letter via postal mail to the address that you have entered in your account contact information.


The internal law of the State of Florida shall govern any questions that concern the validity, construction, and interpretation of these Terms of Service. Suits, actions, or proceedings related to these Terms of Service shall be brought in the court in Miami-Dade County, State of Florida. Parties irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent that the law allows, any objection it may have presently or in the future to the agreed upon venue in any such suit, action, or proceeding. The final judgment resulting from any such suit, action, or proceeding that is brought in any such court shall be binding and enforceable in any court that the party is subject to jurisdiction by a suit upon such judgement.


Should any portion of these Terms of Service be found invalid or unenforceable, it will not negate the remaining portions, which will still be in full force and effect. These Terms of Service serve as our agreement with you and dictate your use of our Services, excluding any previous agreements between you and us. Our failure to enforce a provision or right contained within the Terms of Service does not negate that provision or right, or any other aspect of these Terms of Service. Bear in mind that you may subject yourself to terms and conditions of others when you access affiliate services, third-party content, or third-party software. We will not be responsible for an inability to fulfill any obligations because of conditions that are not within our control.

19. Feedback and Information

We are free to use any feedback you submit via this site in any manner we see fit.

NMVTIS Consumer Access Product Disclaimer

The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) is an electronic system that contains information on certain automobiles titled in the United States. NMVTIS is intended to serve as a reliable source of title and brand history for automobiles, but it does not contain detailed information regarding a vehicles repair history.

All states, insurance companies, and junk and salvage yards are required by federal law to regularly report information to NMVTIS. However, NMVTIS does not contain information on all motor vehicles in the United States because some states are not yet providing their vehicle data to the system. Currently, the data provided to NMVTIS by states is provided in a variety of time frames, while some states report and update NMVTIS data in “real-time” (as title transactions occur), other states send updates less frequently, such as once every 24 hours or within a period of days.

Information on previous, significant vehicle damage may not be included in the system if the vehicle was never determined by an insurance company (or other appropriate entity) to be a “total loss” or branded by a state titling agency. Conversely, an insurance carrier may be required to report a “total loss” even if the vehicles titling-state has not determined the vehicle to be “salvage” or “junk.”

A vehicle history report is NOT a substitute for an independent vehicle inspection. Before making a decision to purchase a vehicle, consumers are strongly encouraged to also obtain an independent vehicle inspection to ensure the vehicle does not have hidden damage. The Approved NMVTIS Data Providers (look for the NMVTIS logo) can include vehicle condition data from sources other than NMVTIS.

NMVTIS data INCLUDES (as available by those entities required to report to the System):

Consumers are advised to visit vehiclehistory.bja.ojp.gov for details on how to interpret the information in the system and understand the meaning of various labels applied to vehicles by the participating state motor vehicle titling agencies.

NVS Data Disclaimer

Mit Auto Report Hub uses the National Vehicle Service (NVS) database to obtain lien information for use in Vehicle History Reports. This information is presented “as is,” and NVS records may not be complete, timely, or accurate. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the validity of this data. Your reliance on any NVS database information included in any report is at your sole risk.

Mit Auto Report Hub Vehicle Inspection Report Disclaimer

Vehicle Inspection Reports that we prepare should not be considered as a recommendation for making a bid or a purchase as they may not be complete, timely, or accurate. It is not our policy to perform appraisals or issue value opinions of any kind, unless we agree specifically in writing to the contrary when you place your order. Mit Auto Report Hub is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of, or non-use of, this information. Your reliance on any https://mitautoreporthub.com report is at your sole risk.

Mit Auto Report Hub free services Disclaimer

We offer free services--our VIN Decoder, Vehicle Recalls Check, and Auto Auctions Check.

Dealer Program Terms

This Agreement is established between Mit Auto Report Hub and the subscribing partner and forms the terms and conditions for the partners use of the https://mitautoreporthub.com Dealer or Reseller. Per the conditions of this program, Mit Auto Report Hub will provide the partner with NMVTIS Vehicle History Reports for resale as the Agreement specifies.

1. Payment & Fees

2. NMVTIS Requirements

3. Relationships

4. Term, Limitations, Termination

5. Product Changes

6. Limitation of Liability

7. Use of https://mitautoreporthub.com LLC Trademarks

8. Proprietary Information

9. Compliance with Laws

The partner will indemnify, defend and hold https://mitautoreporthub.com blameless for all liability or damages that the partners failure to comply with the terms of this provision causes. Additionally, the partner asserts that it will comply with all laws and regulations that are applicable to the business that the partner transacts.

Refund terms and conditions

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase from us, you can submit a request to obtain a full or partial refund of your vehicle history report within 7 days after your purchase. If the refund request is not received within this timeframe then you will not be eligible for a refund. Please note, the reliance on any vehicle history report when purchasing a vehicle is at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any purchases you make in reliance on our reports.

Valid refund reasons

Invalid refund reasons

To submit a refund request please contact us on live chat